
Netflix’s new series Love offers an unique take on the lives and relationships of 30-somethings in the 2010s. It’s along the lines of Master of None but it offers a look at both genders. Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) and Gus (Paul Rust) bring to screen a realistic modern day relationship, which seems surround by Instagram and texts. It depicts flawed characters who simply want to be loved and that seems to be a hallmark of this generation.  The series comes to us from the minds of Judd Apatow, Paul Rust and Lesley Arfin. The show explores the relationship of Mickey and Gus from before they meet, in their previous relationships. The show also shows us some interesting relationships which I think were both used remarkably well. Gus works as an on set tutor on a television show which stars Aria (Iris Apatow), this was a surprising pairing but it did work well. I also really like Bertie (Claudia O’Doherty) Mickey’s roommate. This was the first season and Netflix has already ordered a second season, and the year break in between seasons makes narrative sense. It seems like Netflix has done a great job at cornering the market in television shows directed toward thirty-somethings. The shows Love and Master of None are both shows created by people in their 30s for people in their 30s.