Iowa Caucus Recap

2016 Election this stuff is getting serious now. The first step on the road to the White House was on Monday night as Iowan got together and caucused. There were separate Democratic and Republican ones. On the Republican side Ted  Cruz outpaced Trump and Rubio, many are attributing Trump’s second place finish for skipping the last debate. Others have been saying that Marco Rubio really won in Iowa. Over on the Democratic side it’s basically a dead heat between Hillary and Sanders as I think it was like a grand total of five votes separating them last time I looked and Sanders has asked for a recount as well. So things look interesting going into New Hampshire next week. If results don’t change perhaps we will see Trump end his campaign sometime soon.

We’ve got basically a month more of this loaded field as hopefully it will be winnowed down by Super Tuesday in March. If you are in for a laugh about the political environment in America  take some time and catch up on some Bloom County as Berkeley Breathed has Opus and Bill running for the Presidency yet again and has had some glowing strips since it came back. I also stumbled across a video which is pretty funny imagining the producers Leo and Max from The Producers as behind the Political Campaign of Donald Trump.