News Roundup

Supreme Court of the United States: The biggest news story in the past week is the death of Justice Antonin Scalia and the subsequent news that the Republican in Congress will reject anyone nominated by Obama under the guise that America should be able to vote for who they want. Although Americans did already vote for who they wanted back in 2012 to do this exact same thing (they picked Obama). Now Barack Obama has said that he will be doing his job and nominates someone to sit on the highest court in the land. The President also argues that Congress has no constitutional grounds to refuse to vote on whomever he nominates.

Presidential Campaign: This Campaign season has gotten so ridiculous. We have three former President on the trail trying to drum up support for their relatives (Jeb and Hillary). Now we have Bill Clinton opening him mouth and saying that we are all “mixed race” echoing remarks by Meryl Streep at the Berlin Film Festival this past week where she said we are all African. The logic here is solid as the origin of human life as considered by most people comes from Eastern Sub-Saharan Africa and spread from there but that’s going back a long way. It’s nice to see someone who isn’t a republican say something stupid on the campaign trail.

Coke Freestyle: These are those cool dispensers where you can choose what you want to drink and the machine makes it fresh for you. The article and video are about how some of the lesser brands of coke have gotten a resurgence in the marketplace due to the fact that they are available for people to get now like caffeine-free Diet Coke used to be in like 1% of fountains but with the freestyle machines it is one of the top five brands in the afternoon.