News Roundup

It is that time of the week once again, a smattering of news time.

Religion– Pope Francis released his Apostolic Exhoration on The New Evangelization and it is long (about 90 pages) and thorough (with over 200 end notes). Please expect my overview of it some time next week. As I started reading it today.

Pope Francis is going to be canonizing Peter Faber, co-founder of the Jesuit Order, sometime in December. So soon all the founders of the Jesuits will be saints. Faber was well regarded and after his death some including Francis de Sales always spoke of Faber as a saint. Pope Francis spoke highly of Faber in his big Interview earlier this year.

Over in England on November 22 they also celebrated the 50th anniversary of the death of C. S. Lewis. His death was overshadowed by some president. So in honor Lewis there was place a memorial stone in Poet’s Corner at Westminster Abbey. On his stone is inscribed a quote from one of his theological lectures “I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen. Not only because I can see it but because by it I can see everything else.”

Movies– The are reports that there will be a J.R.R. Tolkien biopic. This seems like a cool idea for a movie as his works are still very popular. Tolkien is considered by some to be the father of modern fantasy literature specifically high fantasy. It would be an interesting film since I know that Tolkien was fiercely Catholic and it seems like religion would play a big role in the film but religions don’t seem to be featured in most movies today.

In other news it seems like the news about a sequel to It’s a Wonderful Life was all just a smoke as Paramount has stated that as owners of the original film no one has contacted them about making a new film nor would they grant permission to them to make the film.

Science– Scientist have discovered a second Planetary system(KOi-351) just like ours, it contains seven exoplanets (5 rocky and 2 gas). It is a very compact also as the whole system is under 1 au (distance from Earth to Sun) from its sun. I hope that these exoplanets and the exploration for Earth like worlds gets covered in the new Cosmos that is coming in March on Fox.