Institution of the Eucharist

So the Last Supper rolls along and Jesus takes some bread blesses it and breaks it then takes some wine blesses it and shares it with his friends. “This is my Body, This is my Blood, do this in memory of me” Jesus says. At every Mass we remember the Last Supper and the priest sort of acts it out blessing the bread and wine and then giving it to those gathered.

For so many of us the Eucharist feast at a mass is that time when we get up and form a line to get the wafer and then we go back to our seats, with no real connection to the celebration of the eucharist at all. I hope that during this upcoming season of Lent we all can try and focus on the celebration of the Eucharist as the event it is meant to be. The priest, deacon or Eucharist minister says “Body of Christ” and we say “Amen” this has a deeper meaning than it lets on. I once heard that this is a conversation not only saying “Body of Christ” and “it is so” but it’s stating that we are the Body of Christ or something like that.  This is one of the reason that I watch other people recieving communion, since it is a celebration of how we are all one in this meal.