News Round up

History/Science- Scientist across the pond have found some skeletons from the Black Death. They have pulled molars from the skulls and examined the dental pulp and discovered Y.pestis in it. From this they have determined that it was not a bubonic plague but a pneumonic plague, which is spread by coughing. I’ve only read these brief reports about the discovery but it seems that it could have perhaps been a bit of all type s of plague bubonic, pneumonic, and hemorrhagic. Europe in the 1300s was not a real fun place as they experienced the little ice age and the great famine which lead to people with weakened immune systems. So the Black Death may not have been spread primarily by rats on land but we know for certain that is where is started. However this was in England where this study took place so who knows if the same holds true for other parts of Europe as well.

Sports- This is a cool story Pat Summitt’s son Tyler has been hired to coach the Lady Techsters of Louisiana Tech. Tyler has been around women’s college basketball his entire life and he has seen it from both sides as a player and a coach. Louisiana Tech is hoping to regain the luster it once had as they have struggled in recent years. Tyler, who turns 24 before the beginning of the next season, will be a full 2 year older than his mom when she started coaching a Tennessee. Can Tyler match his mother in results as well? Time will tell.

Yesterday was April Fools’ Day and over on mentalfloss they compiled a list of the ten best internet based jokes/pranks. All of these were great but my favorite came from the King’s College Choir. In which they have discovered a way to get around the need for trebles more commonly know as boy sopranos. April Fools’ Day is fun but sometime it can get a bit out of hand like the news that Bob Dole is interested in running for President again in 2016.  As sometime even real “hard” news you hear need to be fully vetted before you really know it is true and to be taken serious.