Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week the readings come from Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8; Psalm 138; Paul’s first reading to the Corinthians 15:1-11; and Luke’s Gospel 5:1-11.

In light of the fact that this is the final Sunday before we begin the season of Lent we are given some interesting readings, as we are given the calls of Isaiah and Peter let us keep these in mind as we enter into Lent. Let us all be willing and able to answer the call with a “Here I am” and follow. It seems all to often we ignore our own call as there are so many other competing voices in the world and so many are connected to their phones like nothing else matters in life except what happens in and through their phones. Looking to the lives of Saints Louis and Zelie Martin, they both though they had a calling for the religious life but that didn’t happen Louis couldn’t learn Latin and Zelie was too sick. Both of then didn’t give up as they would eventually met and married. They raise many wonderful children in the faith and the five girls who survived infancy became nuns including that Doctor of the Church, Therese of Lisieux. Our missions in life aren’t individual things but ongoing and developing all the time, so is the mission of the Church. We also have the example of St. Peter who seems like the worst choice as we continually see him making mistakes but in the end he comes out as a great role model. As we enter the season of Lent let our ears be open to the call of the Lord and the Spirit acting in our lives and be willing and able to say “Here I am” and follow.

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